Download Dropbox for Android Full APK File

Dropbox is a free program and also an app, which is a kind of online storage of your data on a remote server, allowing other users to access them.
Dropbox for Android is a client of Internet service Dropbox, with which you can store your data on remote servers with open or closed access.
The app is  designed for working with cloud data store on the site It allows users to create virtual "savings cells" on remote servers and store them in the video, music, photos, research papers, research reports secret - in general, any information. To save the data in a virtual environment, you must download the client Dropbox for Android and create your own account. In this case, you will be offered to specify: open or closed access to each file. In the first case, any user logging on to Dropbox will be able to view or download the file, and the second - put the code that is known only to you or those you report it.

APK Dropbox for Android x

Features of Dropbox for Android

2 GB of free space (up to 100 GB of - charge) + affiliate program for expansion of volume of stored information;
Support for files of any format;
Setting open or closed access;
Search by file name;
Exchange files without connecting to the FTP-server and without web interface;
Synchronization (between PC and mobile device);
Publication of files in social networks, forums, etc .;
Downloads history and change;
Recovery of deleted data;
Reliable protection service from hackers;
Folder «Public» and «Shared» for file sharing and working together on projects;
Adjustable speed of loading and unloading.

How Dropbox for Android works:

The program is controlled via three tabs: Dropbox, Uploads and Favorites, which mean, respectively, "Managing files on the server", "Download" and "Favorites". If you have an account on a home or office PC and smartphone, synchronization is executed automatically. The program will save the traffic, because not all changing (for example, text) file, but only part of it, it will go when loading a modified fragment, not the entire contents. As for removal, then sent to the virtual shopping cart data can be recovered within a month (if not originally specify "delete forever").

Pros of Dropbox for Android

Works on all Android devices, starting with version 1.5;
Allows you to upload and share files of any type;
Does not require an FTP or opening a browser;
Dropbox can free download.

Cons of Dropbox for Android

No Russian interface.

Most users prefer to use the services of the client, not only because of the convenience, but also because of the high level of protection service of Dropbox. Download for Android mean you can send and receive information from the tablet or device over an encrypted channel - SSL, and stored data is encrypted with AES-256.

Download Dropbox for Android

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