New Undeletable Virus for Android - Android.Dialer.7.origin

At the end of November 2014 the company "Doctor Web" discovered a new, unknown to anyone before, malicious utility Android.Dialer.7.origin, which is a kind of Trojan, present in gadgets with Android operating system and works on the principle of unauthorized diallers premium numbers from the phone on which it is justified. As a result of its activities, the owner of the smartphone receives a huge bill for calls that he did not commit.


Experts note that fraud, based on a similar scheme withdrawals victims of the virus, the invention is not new. Especially great popularity it has gained during a slow Internet connection which is carried out on the basis of dial-up. With the development of communications, this kind of malicious software has lost its relevance, but today the attackers decided to revive it. If we talk about the program Android.Dialer.7.origin more, it is the first time getting on the new device, creates a shortcut unmarked, which very soon disappears by itself. Inside the virus registered phone numbers on which he will carry out dialing. As a rule, they belong to the "service for adults." Moreover, the virus can be configured remotely, attackers may prescribe different coordinates to dial them with this tool.

The most unpleasant thing that the program is almost impossible to identify and track, as it registers as a system service, it is not visible in the list of installed applications, and an attempt to erase the software leads to blocking operation and its Abolition.
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