Recharge the phone battery in 30 seconds: A possibility in 2016

Smartphones have undoubtedly revolutionised the world of mobile telephony, bringing many positive things, but also some negative. The biggest problem for those who use a smartphone is without a doubt the battery life, it barely last a single day.
Things have started to improve after the advent of technology Qualcomm Quick Charge 2.0 that allows you to load your battery in about an hour, but in a world so hectic as the one we live in today are the lucky few who can deprive himself of his own phone for an hour waiting for the latter to be reloaded. But things could change soon, an Israeli company named Store Dot is putting just a new charging system that carefully recharge the battery in just thirty seconds.

For now there is already a prototype, but it is definitely cumbersome and therefore could not be used outside the home, but fortunately for us, the company is already working on a mobile version, reduced size and therefore convenient to take with you if you could see the light on the international markets as early as 2016.

Here is the video demonstration

phone battery Recharge in 30 seconds

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